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+ 2023
De Geyter C., Matt L., De Geyter I., Moffat R., Meier C.
Longitudinal follow-up of preconceptional thyrotropin serum levels with or without thyroid peroxidase an-tibodies on thyroid function throughout pregnancy.
Hum Repr Open 2023, 4: hoad038Ferrari S, Meier C.
Therapy of Osteoporosis in the Eldest Geriatric Patients – A Plea for Individualized Decision-Making
Swiss Med Wkly 2023, 153: 40075Garcia-Nunez D, Rudolph H., Flütsch N., Meier C., Wenz, F., Müller A., Storck C., Mijuskovic B.
Geschlechtsangleichende Behandlungsmöglichkeiten bei Menschen mit Geschlechtsinkongruenz
Swiss Med Forum (2023), 23: 62Jung R., Zürcher SJ, Schindera C., Eser P., Meier C., Schai A., Braun J., Deng W., Hebestreit H., Neuhaus C., Schaeff J., Rueegg C.S., von der Weid N.X., Kriemler S.
Effect of a Physical Activity Intervention on Lower Body Bone Health in Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Randomised Controlled Trial (SURfit)
Int J Cancer (2023), 152: 162-171Maushart CI, Sun W, Othman A, Ghosh A, Senn JR, Fischer JGW, Madoerin P, Loeliger RC, Benz RM, Takes M, Zech CJ, Chirindel A, Beuschlein F, Reincke M, Wild D, Bieri O, Zamboni N, Wolfrum C, Betz MJ.
Effect of high-dose glucocorticoid treatment on human brown adipose tissue activity: a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled cross-over trial in healthy men.
EBioMedicine 2023, 96: 104771Meier C., Eastell R., Pierroz D., Lane N.E., Al-Daghri N., Suzuki A., Napoli n., Mithal A., Chakhtoura M., El-Hajj Fu-leihan G., Ferrari S.
Biomarkers of Bone Fragility in Patients with Diabetes. A Narrative Review by the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and the European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS)
J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2023), 108, e923-e936Monnerat S., Refardt J., Potasso L. Meier C., Christ-Crain M.
An increase in plasma sodium levels is associated with an increase in osteoblast function in outpatients with chronic SIAD
J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2023), 108(10): e1027-e1033Senn JR, Löliger RC, Fischer JGW, Bur F, Maushart CI, Betz MJ.
Acute effect of propranolol on resting energy expenditure in hyperthyroid patients.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2023, 13: 1026998
+ 2022
Charlier S., Becker C., Meier C., Jick S.S., Meier C.R.
Association between glycemic control and risk of venous thromboembolism in diabetic patients: A nested case-control study
Cardiovasc Diabetol (2022), 21: 2-11Bischof E. Schwab F.D., Margarint E.L., Montavon C., Zünti I., Schollbach A., Schötzau A., Hirschmann A., Landin J., Meier C., Kurzeder C., Vetter M.
Adherence to bone health guidelines in patients with hormone receptor-positive early breast cancer: Status and clinical impact in a Swiss cohort experience.
Bone Reports (2022), 16: 101160Jehle S., Häuselmann HJ., Keschawarzi M., Lamy O., Luzuy F., Marcoli N., Meier C., Uebelhart Wiedersheim P.
Risk Factors, Manifestation, and Awareness of Osteoporosis among Patients of Various Specialists in Switzerland: Results of a National Survey.
Healthcare (2022), 10(2), 295Kasperk C., Meier C.
“How to treat” - Neue Empfehlungen zur Osteoporosetherapie.
Rheuma Schweiz (2022), 2: 22-26Maushart C., Meier C.
Subklinische Hypothyreose im Alter
Der informierte Arzt (2022), 9: 15-17Paccou J., Tsourdi E., McCloskey E,. Meier C., Palermo A., Pepe J., Body J.J., Zillikens C.
Bariatric surgery and skeletal health: A narrative review and recommendations for management by the European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS)
Bone (2022), 154: 116236Sewing L., Meier C.
Einfluss von Inkretinen und oralen Antidiabetika auf Knochenstoffwechsel und Frakturrisiko Diabetes Mellitus und Knochen - Osteoporose als Folgeerkrankung: Konsequenzen für die Praxis
Hrsg S. Scharla. De Gruyter Verlag (2022), 43-66Sewing L., Potasso L., Baumann S., Schenk D., Gazozcu F., Lippuner K., Zysset P., Meier C.
Bone microarchitecture and strength in patients with long-standing type 1 diabetes
J Bone Miner Res (2022), 37: 837-847Sewing L., Meier C., Sendi P., Christ E.
Glukokortikoid-assoziierte Nebenwirkungen – Prävention und Management
Primary Hospital Care (2022), in printVavanikunnel J., Sewing L., Triantafyllidou M., Steighardt A., Baumann S., Grize L., Kraenzlin M., Henzen C., Meier C.
Determinants of low bone turnover in type 2 diabetes-the role of PTH
Calcified Tiss Int (2022), 111: 587-596
+ 2021
- Charlier S., Vavanikunnel J., Becker C., Jick S.S., Meier C., Meier C.R.
Antidiabetic treatment, level of glycemic control, and risk of fracture in type 2 diabetes: a nested, case-control study
J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2021), 106: 554-566 - Felder M, Maushart CI, Gashi G, Senn JR, Becker AS, Müller J, Balaz M, Wolfrum C, Burger IA, Betz MJ.
Fluvastatin Reduces Glucose Tolerance in Healthy Young Individuals Independently of Cold Induced BAT Activity.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2021, 12: 765807 - Kasperk C.: Mittel für Osteoporose und Calcium Phosphat Homöostase. S. 667 – 677
in: Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2021.Springer Verlag Berlin 2021
Hrsg. Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, Bernd Mühlbauer, Roland Seifert - Kasperk C.: Schilddrüsentherapeutika. S. 737 – 743
in: Arzneiverordnungsreport 2021. Springer Verlag Berlin 2021.
Hrsg. Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, Bernd Mühlbauer, Roland Seifert - Loeliger RC, Maushart CI, Gashi G, Senn JR, Felder M, Becker AS, Müller J, Balaz M, Wolfrum C, Burger IA, Betz MJ.
Relation of diet-induced thermogenesis to brown adipose tissue activity in healthy men.
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2021, 320(1): E93-E101 - Maushart CI, Senn JR, Loeliger RC, Kraenzlin ME, Müller J, Becker AS, Balaz M, Wolfrum C, Burger IA, Betz MJ.
Free Thyroxine Levels are Associated with Cold Induced Thermogenesis in Healthy Euthyroid Individuals.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2021; 12: 666595 - Potasso L., Refardt J., Meier C., Christ-Crain M.
Effect of hyponatremia normalization on osteoblast function in patients with SIAD
Europ J Endocrinol (2021), 186, 1-8 - Stute P, Meier C.
Update Osteoporose
J Gyn Endokrinol 2021, 1: 26-31
+ 2020
- Ferrari S, Lippuner K., Lamy O., Meier C.
2020 Recommendations for osteoporosis treatment according to fracture risk from the Swiss Association against Osteoporosis (SVGO)
Swiss Med Wkly (2020), 150: w20352 - Kumps C, Campos-Xavier B, Hilhorst-Hofstee Y, Marcelis C, Kraenzlin M, Fleischer N, Unger S, Superti-Furga A.
The Connective Tissue Disorder Associated with Recessive Variants in the SLC39A13 Zinc Transporter Gene (Spondlo-Dysplastic Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type 3): Insights from Four Novel Patients and Follow-Up on Two Original Cases.
Genes (Basel). 2020 Apr 14;11(4):420 - Loeliger RC, Maushart CI, Gashi G, Senn JR, Felder M, Becker AS, Müller J, Balaz M, Wolfrum C, Burger IA, Betz MJ.
Relation of diet-induced thermogenesis to brown adipose tissue activity in healthy men.
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. Epub 2020 Nov 23 - Müller F., Appelt K.A., Meier C., Suhm N.
Zoledronic acid is more efficient than ibandronic acid in the treatment of symptomatic bone marrow lesions of the knee
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc (2020), 28, 408-417 - Pepe J., Body J.J., Ferrari S., Hadji P., Langdahl B., McCloskey E., Meier C., Obermayer-Pietsch B., Palermo A.,
Tsourdi E., Zillikens C.
Premenopausal osteoporosis: a clinical narrative review by the European Calcified Tissue Society and the Intern tional Osteoporosis Foundation
J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2020), 105, 2487-2506 - Sewing L., Meier C.
Einfluss von Inkretinen und oralen Antidiabetika auf Knochenstoffwechsel und Frakturrisiko Diabetes Mellitus und Knochen - Osteoporose als Folgeerkrankung: Konsequenzen für die Praxis
De Gruyter Verlag (2020) - Zürcher S., Jung R., Monnerat S., Schindera C., Eser P., Meier C., Rueegg C., von der Weid N.X., Kriemler S.
High Impact Physical Activity and Bone Health of Lower Extremities in Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Cross-sectional Study of SURfit
Int J Cancer (2020), 147, 1845-1854 - Zürcher SJ, Borter N, Kränzlin M, Neyer P, Meyer U, Rizzoli R, Kriemler S.
Relationship between bone mineral content and bone turnover markers, sex hormones and calciotropic hormones in pre- and early pubertal children.
Osteoporos Int. 2020 Feb;31(2):335-349
+ 2019
- Anastasilakis A.D., Tsourdi E., Makras P., Polyzos S.A., Meier C., McCloskey E.V., Zillikens M.C.
Bone disease following solid organ transplantation: an ECTS position statement on pathogenesis and management
Bone (2019), 127, 401-418 - Baumann S., Meier C.
Osteoporose und Frakturrisiko bei Epilepsie und antiepileptischer Therapie
Osteologie (2019), 28: 252-258 - Balaz M, Becker AS, Balazova L, Straub L, Müller J, Gashi G, Maushart CI, Sun W, Dong H, Moser C, Horvath C, Efthymiou V, Rachamin Y, Modica S, Zellweger C, Bacanovic S, Stefanicka P, Varga L, Ukropcova B, Profant M, Opitz L, Amri EZ, Akula MK, Bergo M, Ukropec J, Falk C, Zamboni N, Betz MJ, Burger IA, Wolfrum C.
Inhibition of Mevalonate Pathway Prevents Adipocyte Browning in Mice and Men by Affecting Protein Prenylation.
Cell Metab. 2019;29(4):901‐916 - Biver E., Calmy A., Aubry-Rozier B., Birkhäuser M., Bischoff-Ferrari H., Ferrari S, Frey D., Kressig R.W., Lamy O.,
Lippuner K., Stute P., Suhm N., Meier C.
Diagnosis, prevention and management of bone fragility in people living with HIV. A position statement from the Swiss Association against Osteoporosis (SVGO/ASCO)
Osteoporos Int (2019), 30: 1125-1135 - Ebrahimi F., Wolffenbuttel C., Blum C., Baumgartner C., Mueller B., Schuetz P., Meier C., Kraenzlin M., Christ-Crain M., Betz M.J.
Fibroblast growth factor 21 predicts outcome in community-acquired pneumonia: secondary analysis of two randomised controlled trials Eur Resp J (2019), ;53 doi: 10.1183/13993003.00973-2018 - Garcia Nunez D., Meier C., Schaefer D.J.
Die Transition des Medizinsystems: Vom Cisheterozentrismus zur Affirmation der Geschlechtervarianz
S. 33-54, Transcript Verlag 2019, Bielefeld - Maushart CI, Loeliger R, Gashi G, Christ-Crain M, Betz MJ.
Resolution of Hypothyroidism Restores Cold-Induced Thermogenesis in Humans.
Thyroid. 2019;29(4):493‐501 - Suhm N., Müller S., Kungler E., Meier C., Kraenzlin M., Kraenzlin C., Jakob M., Saxer F.
Der “Osteoporosis Care Gap” bei Altersfrakturpatienten kann durch osteologische Begleitung entlang des Behandlungspfads minimiert werden
Osteologie (2019), 28: 140-144 - Struja T., Eckart A., Kutz A., Neyer P., Kraenzlin M., Mueller B., Meier C., Bernasconi L., Schuetz P.
Metabolomics and their ability to distinguish thyroid disorders: A retrospective pilot study
Horm Metab Res (2019), 51: 256-260 - Struja T., Jutzi R., Boesiger F., Imahorn N., Kaeslin M., Bosiger F., Kutz A., Mundwiler E., Huber A., Kraenzlin M., Mueller
B., Meier C., Bernasconi L., Schuetz P.
Comparison of six TSH-Receptor antibody assays for their ability to predict relapse of Graves’ disease
BMC Endocrine Disorders (2019), 38, 1-11 - Suhm N., Müller S., Kungler E., Meier C., Kränzlin M., Kränzlin C., Jakob M., Saxe F.
Der „Versorgungsgap“ nach osteoporoseassoziierter Fraktur – nur ein Artefakt von diagnosecodebasierten Abklärungsalgorithmen?
Osteologie (2019), 28: 140-144 - Vahidnezhad H, Youssefian L, Saeidian AH, Touati A, Pajouhanfar S, Baghdadi T, Shadmehri AA, Giunta C, Kraenzlin M, Syx D, Malfait F, Has C, Lwin SM, Karamzadeh R, Liu L, Guy A, Hamid M, Kariminejad A, Zeinali S, McGrath JA,
Uitto Mutations in PLOD3, encoding lysyl hydroxylase 3, cause a complex connective tissue disorder including recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa-like blistering phenotype with abnormal anchoring fibrils and type VII collagen deficiency.
J Matrix Biol. 2019 Aug; 81: 91-106. - Vavanikunnel J., Charlier S., Becker C., Schneider C., Jick S.S., Meier C.R., Meier C.
Association between glycaemic control and risk of fracture in diabetic patients: A nested case-control study
J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2019), 104: 1645-1654
+ 2018
- Giunta C, Baumann M, Fauth C, Lindert U, Abdalla EM, Brady AF, Collins J, Dastgir J, Donkervoort S, Ghali N, Johnson DS, Kariminejad A, Koch J, Kraenzlin M, Lahiri N, Lozic B, Manzur AY, Morton JEV, Pilch J, Pollitt RC, Schreiber G, Shannon NL, Sobey G, Vandersteen A, van Dijk FS, Witsch-Baumgartner M, Zschocke J, Pope FM, Bönnemann CG, Rohrbach M.
A cohort of 17 patients with kyphoscoliotic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome caused by biallelic mutations in FKBP14: expansion of the clinical and mutational spectrum and description of the natural history.
Genet Med. 2018 Jan;20(1):42-54. - Hepprich M., Meier C.
Der Risikopatient in der zahnärztlichen Praxis. Hrsg. J.T. Lambrecht, M. von Planta (2018), 70-74 - Kraenzlin M., Meier C.
Der Risikopatient in der zahnärztlichen Praxis. Hrsg. J.T. Lambrecht, M. von Planta (2018), 121-127 - Kraenzlin M., Meier C.
Lehrbuch Osteologie. Hrsg. Lange U. and Kurth A., Elsevier Verlag (2018) 39-41 - Meier C., Jockers F., Kraenzlin M.
Systemische Mastocytose: Ein 56-jähriger Mann mit einer fortgeschrittenen Osteoporose
50 Fälle Osteologie. Schattauer-Verlag, Ed: A. Roth (2018), 120-124 - Meier C., Kraenzlin M.E.
Krafttraining und Knochengesundheit im Alter
Käftig altern – Die Bedeutung der Kraft im demographischen Wandel. Ed: Menzi et al. (2018) - Meier C., Kraenzlin M.
Lehrbuch Osteologie. Hrsg. Lange U. and Kurth A., Elsevier Verlag, (2018) 34-36 - Meier C., Uebelhart B., Aubry-Rozier B., Birkhäuser M., Bischoff-Ferrari H., Frey D., Kressig R.W., Lamy O., Lippuner K., Stute P., Suhm N., Ferrari S.
Medikamentöse Osteoporosetherapie: Behandlungsdauer und Vorgehen nach Therapieende. Empfehlungen der Schweizerischen Vereinigung gegen Osteoporose (SVGO/ASCO)
Osteologie (2018), 3: 161-164 (Nachdruck) - Refardt J, Farina P, Hoesli I, Meier C.
Hypercalcemic crisis in third trimenon: evaluating the optimal treatment strategy
Gynecol Endocrinol. 2018;16:1-4. - Schulthess H.K., Meier C. und Kraenzlin M.E.
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Der Informierte Arzt 2018;7:19-22 - Senn JR, Maushart CI, Gashi G, Michel R, Lalive d'Epinay M, Vogt R, Becker A, Müller J, Balaz M, Wolfrum C, Burger I, Betz MJ.
Outdoor Temperature Influences Cold Induced Thermogenesis in Humans
Front Physiol. 2018 Aug 23; 9: 1184 - Traechslin C., Vavanikunnel J., Kraenzlin M., Meier C.
Einfluss oraler Antidiabetika auf Knochenstoffwechsel und Frakturrisiko
Osteologie (2018), 1: 29-37
+ 2017
Gotthardt F., Huber C., Thierfelder C., Grize L., Kraenzlin M., Scheidegger C., Meier C. Determinants of bone mineral density in men with opioid dependence J Bone Miner Metab 2017, 35: 99-107
J. A. Kanis, C. Cooper, R. Rizzoli5, B. Abrahamsen, N. M. Al-Daghri, M. L. Brandi, J. Cannata-Andia, B. Cortet, H. P. Dimai, S. Ferrar, P. Hadji, N. C. Harvey, M. Kraenzlin, A. Kurth, E. McCloskey, S. Minisola, T. Thomas, J.-Y. Reginster
Identification and management of patients at increased risk of osteoporotic fracture: Outcomes of an ESCEO expert consensus meeting
Osteoporos Int. 2017- Kraenzlin M.E., Jakob F.
Schmerzen bei Erkrankungen des Knochens.
In: E. Battegay Ed. Siegenthaler's Differentialdiagnose innerer Kranheiten. 21. Auflage 2017 - Meier C., Uebelhart B., Aubry-Rozier B., Birkhäuser M., Bischoff-Ferrari H., Frey D., Kressig R.W., Lamy O., Lippuner K., Stute P., Suhm N., Ferrari S.
Osteoporosis drug treatment: duration and management after discontinuation. A position statement from the Swiss Association against Osteoporosis (SVGO/ASCO)
Swiss Med Wkly (2017), 147: w14484 - Seelig E, Meyer S, Timper K, Nigro N, Bally M, Pernicova I, Schuetz P, Muller B, Korbonits M, Christ-Crain M.
Metformin prevents metabolic side effects during systemic glucocorticod treatment.
Europ J Endocrinol 2017, 176: 413-419 - Struja T, Kaeslin M, Boesiger F, Jutzi R, Imahorn N, Kutz A, Bernasconi L, Mundwiler E, Mueller B, Christ-Crain M, Meienberg F, Ebrahimi F, Henzen C, Fischli S, Kraenzlin M, Meier C, Schuetz P.
External validation of the GREAT score to predict relapse risk in Graves' disease Results from a multicenter, retrospective study with 741 patients.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2017 Jan 18 - Struja T., Kutz A., Fischli S., Meier C., Mueller B., Recher M., Schuetz P.
Personalized, immune-modulating treatments for Graves‘ disease: Fact or fiction?
Swiss Med Wkly 2017, 147: w14476 - Rueegg C.S., Kriemler S., Zuercher S., Schindera C., Renner A., Hebestreit H., Meier C., Eser P., Vd Weid N.X.
A partially supervised physical activity program for adult and adolsecent survivors of childhood cancer (SURfit): Study design of a randomized controlled trial
BMC Cancer (2017), 17: 822-837 - Vavanikunnel J., Meier C., Christ E
Primärer (pHPT) und sekundärer Hyperparathyreoidismus (sHPT) - Was ist wichtig für den Hausarzt?
Der informierte Arzt (2017), 9: 18-20
+ 2016
- Bally MR, Blaser Yildirim PZ, Bounoure L, Gloy VL, Mueller B, Briel M, Schuetz P.
Nutritional Support and Outcomes in Malnourished Medical Inpatients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(1):43-53. - Bally M.
Polyglanduläres Autoimmunsyndrom
Rheuma Schweiz 2016; 4: 8-14 - Egger A. , Kraenzlin M., Meier C.
Osteoporose und Typ 2 Diabetes
Diabetologe 2016; 12: 254-260 - Egger A., Meier C
Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 und Knochen: Was es zu beachten gibt
Rheuma Schweiz 2016; 4: 26-30 - Egger A., Meier C.
Effects of incretin-based therapies and SGLT2 inhibitors on skeletal health
Current Osteoporosis Reports 2016 - Gröger F., Cronenberg S., Hirschmann A., Jakob M., Rikli D., Meier C., Bless N., Studer P., Suhm N.
“Atypische Femurfrakturen” – Zwei Denkanstösse anhand von drei Fallstudien
Osteologie 2016; 25: 37 - Hepprich M., Meier C.
In: Der Risikopatient in der zahnärztlichen Praxis. Hrsg. J.T. Lambrecht, M. von Planta 2016 - Kraenzlin M., Meier C.
In: Lehrbuch Osteologie. Hrsg. Lange U. and Kurth A., 2016 - Kraenzlin M., Meier C.
In: Der Risikopatient in der zahnärztlichen Praxis. Hrsg. J.T. Lambrecht, M. von Planta 2016 - Kraenzlin M., Meier C.
Evaluation des Frakturrisikos mittels dem „ WHO Fracture Risk Assessment Tool“ FRAX©
Der informierte Arzt (2016), 11, 15-19 - Meier C., Schwartz A., Egger A., Lecka-Cerna B.
Effects of diabetes drugs on the skeleton
Bone 2016; 82: 93-100 - Meier C., Kraenzlin M.E.
Krafttraining und Knochengesundheit im Alter
In: Kräftig altern – Die Bedeutung der Kraft im demographischen Wandel.Ed: Menzi et al. 2016 - Meier C., Kraenzlin M.
In: Lehrbuch Osteologie. Hrsg. Lange U. and Kurth A., 2016 - Nigro N, Winzeler B, Suter-Widmer I, Schuetz P, Arici B, Bally M, Blum CA, Nickel CH, Bingisser R, Bock A, Huber A, Müller B, Christ-Crain M.
Evaluation of copeptin and commonly used laboratory parameters for the differential diagnosis of profound hyponatraemia in hospitalized patients: 'The Co-MED Study'.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2016 Sep 22. Epub - Oranges C., Meier C., Schaefer D.
Surgical Timing and the Menstrual Cycle Affect Wound Healing in Young Breast Reduction Patients. Letter to the Editor Plastic and Reconstructive
Surgery 2016 - Schuetz P, Meier MA, Bally MR, Gomes F, Mueller B.
Industry sponsorship and outcomes of nutrition studies: Is there an association when looking at the trial level?
Clin Nutr. 2016 Dec 26. - Spoendlin C., Meier C., Jick S.S., Meier C.R.
Achilles or biceps tendon rupture in women and men with type 2 diabetes: A population-based case-control study
J Diabetes Complications 2016; 30: 903-909. - Spoendlin C., Meier C., Jick S.S., Meier C.R.
Bisphosphonate therapy start may transiently increase the risk of tendon rupture in patients with glucocorticoid co-medication: a population-based observational study
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf (2016), 25: 1116-1123 - Spoendlin J., Bradley Layton J., Mundkur M., Meier C., Jick S.S., Meier C.R.
The risk of Achilles or biceps tendon rupture in new statin users: A propensity score-matched sequential cohort study
Drug Safety (2016), 39: 1229-1237 - Suhm N., Meier C., Kraenzlin M., Kungler E., Savic B., Mueller S., Jakob M., Rikli D.
FLS – Drei Buchstaben verändern die sekundäre Frakturprävention
Unfallchirurg 2016; 119: 12-17 - Theiler R., Freystaetter G., Platz A., Meier C., Mellinghoff H-U.
Capture the fracture by SMS
Osteologie (2016), 4: 283-286 - Trombetti A., Christ E.R., Henzen C., Gold G., Brändle M., Herrmann F.R., Torriani C., Triponez F., Bilezikian J.P., Kraenzlin M., Rizzoli R., Meier C.
Clinical presentation and management of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism belonging to the Swiss Primary Hyperparathyroidism Cohort: A focus on neurobehavioral and cognitive symptoms
J Endocrinol Invest 2016; 39:567-576 - Whiting SJ, Kohrt WM, Warren MP, Kraenzlin MI, Bonjour JP.
Food fortification for bone health in adulthood: a scoping review.
Eur J Clin Nutr. 2016;70(10):1099-1105 - Winzeler B, Jeanloz N, Nigro N, Suter-Widmer I, Schuetz P, Arici B, Bally M, Blum C, Bock A, Huber A, Mueller B, Christ-Crain M.
Long-term outcome of profound hyponatremia: a prospective 12 months follow-up study.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2016 (6):499-507. - Winzeler B, Lengsfeld S, Nigro N, Suter-Widmer I, Schütz P, Arici B, Bally M, Blum C, Bock A, Huber A, Müller B, Christ-Crain M.
Predictors of nonresponse to fluid restriction in hyponatraemia due to the syndrome of inappropriatea ntidiuresis.
J Intern Med. 2016;280(6):609-617
+ 2015
- Abdalla EM, Rohrbach M, Bürer C, Kraenzlin M, El-Tayeby H, Elbelbesy MF, Nabil A, Giunta C.
Kyphoscoliotic type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS VIA) in six Egyptian patients presenting with a homogeneous clinical phenotype.
Eur J Pediatr. 2015;174:105-12 - Bally M., Kraenzlin M., Meier C.
Osteoporose, Update 2015
Der informierte Arzt 2015, 45-49 - Felder S, Lechtenboehmer C, Bally M, Fehr R, Deiss M, Faessler L, Kutz A, Steiner D, Rast AC, Laukemann S, Kulkarni P, Stanga Z, Haubitz S, Huber A, Mueller B, Schuetz P.
Association of nutritional risk and adverse medical outcomes across different medical inpatient populations.
Nutrition 2015;31(11-12):1385-93 - Kraenzlin M.
Osteoporose Update 2015: dignostische und therapeutische Intervention
Swiss Medical Forum 2015;15(37):808-813 - Kraenzlin M., Meier C.
In: Lehrbuch Osteologie. Hrsg. Lange U. and Kurth A., in print (2015) - Lindert U, Kraenzlin M, Campos-Xavier AB, Baumgartner MR, Bonafé L, Giunta C, Rohrbach M.
Urinary pyridinoline cross-links as biomarkers of osteogenesis imperfecta.
Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2015 Aug 27;10:104** - Meier C.
Benefits and place of calcimimetics in the management of primary hyperparathyroidism.
Ann Endocrinol (Paris). 2015;76:163-4 - Meier C., Kraenzlin M.
In: Lehrbuch Osteologie. Hrsg. Lange U. and Kurth A., in print (2015) - Nigro N, Winzeler B, Suter-Widmer I, Schuetz P, Arici B, Bally M, Blum C, Bingisser R, Bock A, Huber A, Müller B, Nickel CH, Christ-Crain M.
Symptoms and characteristics of individuals with profound hyponatremia: a prospective multicenter observational study.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015 Mar;63(3):470-5. - Nigro N, Winzeler B, Suter-Widmer I, Schuetz P, Arici B, Bally M, Blum CA, Nickel CH, Bingisser R, Bock A, Rentsch Savoca K, Huber A, Müller B, Christ-Crain M.
Mid-regional pro-atrial natriuretic peptide and the assessment of volaemic status and differential diagnosis of profound hyponatraemia.
J Intern Med. 2015 Jul;278(1):29-37. - Spoendlin J, Meier C, Jick SS, Meier CR.
Oral and inhaled glucocorticoid use and risk of Achilles or biceps tendon rupture: a population-based case-control study.
Ann Med. 2015;47:492-8 - Winzeler B., Christ-Crain M., Staub J.J., Müller B., Meier C.
Subclinical Hypothyroidism
Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, Elsevier (2015) - Winzeler B, Zweifel C, Nigro N, Arici B, Bally M, Schuetz P, Blum CA, Kelly C, Berkmann S, Huber A, Gentili F, Zadeh G, Landolt H, Mariani L, Müller B, Christ-Crain M. Postoperative Copeptin Concentration Predicts Diabetes Insipidus After Pituitary Surgery. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015;100(6):2275-82
+ 2014
- Bonjour JP, Kohrt W, Levasseur R, Warren M, Whiting S, Kraenzlin M.
Biochemical markers for assessment of calcium economy and bone metabolism: application in clinical trials from pharmaceutical agents to nutritional products.
Nutr Res Rev. 2014 Nov 14:1-16 - Jockers S., Kraenzlin M., Kraenzlin C., Meier C.
Systemische Mastozytose: Eine seltene Ursache einer fortgeschrittenen Osteoporose beim Mann
Osteologie 2014, 23: 56-60 - Kraenzlin M., Meier C.
Sexualhormone und Knochen
Therapeutische Umschau 2014, 71: 209-219 - Kreutle V., BlumC., Meier C., Mueller B., Schuetz P., Borm K.
Bisphosphonate-induced hypocalcemia: Report of six cases and review of the literature
Swiss Med Wkly 2014, 144:w13979 - Meier C., Kraenzlin C., Friedrich N.F., Wischer T., Grize L., Meier C.R., Kraenzlin M.E.
Effect of ibandronate for the treatment of osteonecrosis of the knee: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Osteoporos Int 2014, 25: 359-366 - Meier C., Lamy O., Krieg M.A, Mellinghoff H.U., Felder M., Ferrari S., Rizzoli R.
The role of teriparatide in sequential and combination therapy of osteoporosis.
Swiss Med Wkly 2014, 144: w13952 - Meier C.
Osteoporose, Wenn die Knochen brüchig werden
my Health Initiative 2014, Gesundheitsfibel für die Frau 2014, 1: 34 - Nigro N., Christ-Crain M., Meier C.
Hormonersatzbehandlung in der Andropause: Nutzen und Gefahren
Therapeutische Umschau 2014, 71: 229-237 - Stute P., Birkhäuser M., von Wolff M., Meier C.
Gynecologists’ awareness of bone health care in Switzerland
Swiss Med Wkly 2014, 144: w13931 - Schreiner S., Savic B., Cronenberg S., Meier C., Kraenzlin M., Jakob M., Suhm N.
Der „Versorgungsgap“ nach osteoporoseassoziierter Fraktur – nur ein Artefakt von diagnosecodebasierten Abklärungsalgorithmen?
Orthopäde 2014 - Theiler R., Meier C., Lippuner K. FRAX-Tool zur Berechnung des absoluten Frakturrisikos bei Osteoporose. Replik Swiss Med Forum 2014, 14: 137
+ 2013
- Bonafe L.,Giunta C., Hasler C., Janner M., Kränzlin M., Link B., Meier C., Ramseier L., Rohrbach M., Unger S.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI): Klinik, Diagnose und Management vom Kindesalter bis ins Erwachsenenalter
Schweiz Med Forum 2013;13:925–931 - Bonjour JP, Benoit V, Payen F and Kraenzlin M.
Fortification of yogurts with calcium and vitamin D enhances the inhibition of bone resorption markers: a double-blind randomized controlled trial in institutionalized elderly women.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013;98:2915–2921 - Bonjour JP, Kraenzlin M, Levasseur R, Warren M, Whiting S.
Dairy in adulthood: from foods to nutrient interactions on bone and skeletal muscle health.
J Am Coll Nutr. 2013;32:251-63 - Hadji P., Bock O., Resch H., Kraenzlin M., Wang A., Steinle T., Eisen C.
Reduktion des Frakturrisikos unter Denosumab bei postmenopausalen Frauen in Abhängigkeit der Behandlungsbedürftigkeit nach DVO-Leitlinie 2009
Osteologie 2013;1:39-45 - Henzen C., Kraenzlin M., Meier C.
Endokrinologische Laboruntersuchungen – Wo liegen die Probleme?
Therapeutische Umschau 2013;70:481-489 - Kraenzlin M.E.
Evaluation des absoluten Frakturrisikos: "WHO Fracture Risk Assessment Tool"
Der informierte Arzt 2013;1:13-17 - Kraenzlin M.E.
Recommandations de l’Association Suisse contre l'ostéoporose pour la prise en charge des patients avec ostéoporose.
Rev Med Suisse 2013;9:1272-1278 - Meier C., Kraenzlin M.E.
Krafttraining und Knochengesundheit im Alter
In: Kräftig altern – Die Bedeutung der Kraft im demographischen Wandel. Ed: Menzi et al. 2013 - Meier C., Kraenzlin M.
Osteoporose: Therapie-Update 2013 (Teil 1): Therapieindikationen und praktisches Vorgehen
Swiss Med Forum 2013;13:811-813 - Meier C., Kraenzlin M.
Osteoporose: Therapie-Update 2013 (Teil 2): Medikamente heute und morgen
Swiss Med Forum 2013;13:835-840 - Meyer U, Ernst D, Zahner L, Schindler C, Puder JJ, Kraenzlin M, Rizzoli R, Kriemler S.
3-year follow-up results of bone mineral content and density after a school-based physical activity randomized intervention trial.
Bone 2013;55:16-22 - Sieber P., Lardelli P., Kraenzlin C.A., Kraenzlin M.E. und Meier C.
Intravenous Bisphosphonates for Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: Safety Profiles of Zoledronic Acid and Ibandronate in Clinical Practice
Clin Drug Invest 2013;33:117-122 - Stute P., Meier C., Schiessl K., Birkhäuser M.
Erläuterungen zur Flow-Chart Diagnose der Osteoporose
Gyn Endokrinol. 2013;23:19-22 - Suter-Widmer I., Meier C.
Primärer Hyperparathyroidismus
Leading Opinions Innere Medizin 2013;1:40-42 - Suter-Widmer I, Meier C.
Wissenswertes zum Thema Osteoporose in der Zahnarztpraxis
Prämolar 2013;3:16-17 - Suter-Widmer I., Meier C.
Bedeutung von Dysfunktionen der Nebenschilddrüse in der späteren Postmenopause
Gynäkologische Endokrinologie 2013;11:272-276
+ 2012
- Aeschlimann A. und Kraenzlin M.E.
Schmerzen bei Erkrankungen des Knochens.
In: E. Battegay Ed. Siegenthaler's Differentialdiagnose innerer Kranheiten. 20. Auflage 2012;s378-405 - Bodmer M., Becker C., Meier C., Jick S.S., Meier C.R.
Use of metformin is not associated with a decreased risk of colorectal cancer
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2012; 21: 280-286 - Bodmer M., Becker C., Meier C., Jick S.S., Meier C.R.
Use of antidiabetic agents and the risk of pancreatic cancer: a case-control analysis
Am J Gastroenterol 2012; 107: 620-626 - Hadji P., Birkhäuser M., De Geyter C., Finkenstedt G., Hofbauer L., Imthurn B., Meier C., Scharla S., Stute P., Ziller V.
Osteoporose: Phasengerechte Therapie & Neues aus der Zellbiologie
Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel 2012;15:3-7 - Meier C., Kraenzlin M.E.
Diagnostik und Verlaufskontrolle der Osteoporose
Therapeutische Umschau 2012;69,3: 145-152 - Meier C.
Bedeutung der Präanalytik für die Knochenstoffwechseluntersuchung
Pipette 2012; 4: 17 - Meier C.
Antiepileptika und die Gefahr von Osteoporose
Schweiz Zeitschr Psych Neurologie 2012 - Meier C.
Struma. In: Martina B., Battegay E., Tschudi P., (eds), 2nd Ed.
Ambulante Medizin – Evidenz auf einen Blick 2012; 154-156 - Starke A, Corsenca A, Kohler T, Knubben J, Kraenzlin M, Uebelhart D, Wüthrich RP, von Rechenberg B, Müller R, Ambühl PM
Correction of Metabolic Acidosis with Potassium Citrate in Renal Transplant Patients and its Effect on Bone Quality.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. (2012) - Suter-Widmer I., Meier C. Primärer Hyperparathyroidismus Leading Opinions Innere Medizin 2012;1:40-42
+ 2011
- Bodmer M., Becker C., Meier C., Jick S.S., Meier C.R.
Use of metformin and the risk of ovarian cancer: a case-control analysis
Gynecol Oncol 2011, 123: 200-204 - Dimai H.P., Meier C.
Osteoporose des Mannes
Der informierte Arzt (2011), 4: 31-34 - Dürsteler-MacFarland K.M., Kowalewski R., Bloch N., Wiesbeck G.A., Kraenzlin M., Stohler R.
Patients on injectable diacetylmorphine maintenance have low bone mass
Drug Alcohol Rev (2011), 30: 577-582 - Kraenzlin M.E., Meier C.
Parathyroid hormone analogues in the treatment of osteoporosis.
Nature Rev Endocrinol. 2011;7:647-656 - Kraenzlin M.E., Meier C.,
Schlaglichter 2010: Neue Wege in der Diagnostik und Therapie der Osteoporose
Swiss Med Forum (2011), 11: 25-28 - Kraenzlin M.E., Suter-Widmer I., Meier C.
Sekundäre Osteoporosen
Der informierte Arzt (2011), 4: 26-31 - Kraenzlin M.E., Meier C.
Kalzium-Metabolismus: Einige physiologische Bemerkungen
Spectrum Osteoporose (2011), 2: 8-10** - Lamy O., Kraenzlin M.
Osteoporosis: evaluation and fracture risk
Rev Med Suisse (2011), 7: 1018-1019 - Meier C., Kraenzlin M.E.
Antiepileptics and bone health
Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis (2011), 3: 235-243 - Meier C., Kraenzlin M.E.
Calcium supplementation, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease
Swiss Med Wkly (2011), 141: w13260 - Meier C., Kraenzlin M.E.
Epilepsie, Antiepileptika und Osteoporose
Epileptologie (2011), 28: 42-50 - Meier C., Kraenzlin M.E.
Kathepsin K-Inhibitoren in der Osteoporosetherapie
Osteologie (2011), 20: 211-216 - Meyer U., Romann M., Zahner L., Schindler C., Puder J.J., Kraenzlin M., Rizzoli R., Krienler S.
Effect of a general school-based physical activity intervention on bone mineral content and density: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Bone (2011), 48: 792-797 - Rizzoli R., Kraenzlin M., Krieg M.A., Mellinghoff H.U., Lamy O., Lippuner K.
Indications to teriparatide treatment in patients with osteoporosis
Swiss Med Wkly (2011), 141: w13297 - Rizzoli R., Lippuner K., Kraenzlin M., Birkhäuser M.
Osteoporosis in Switzerland in 2011: change since 2008
Rev Med Suisse (2011), 7: 1291-1292 - Rohrbach M., Vandersteen A., Yis U., Serdaroglu G., Ataman E., Chopra M., Garcia S., Jones K., Kariminejad A., Kraenzlin M., Marcelis C., Baumgartner M., Giunta C.
Phenotypic variability of the kyphoscoliotic type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS VIA): clinical, molecular and biochemical delineation
**Orphanet J Rare Dis (2011), 6: 46 - Suter-Widmer I., Kraenzlin M.E., Meier C. Primärer Hyperparathyroidismus Therapeutische Umschau (2011), 68: 321-326